Our vision is to inspire our community to connection through:

  • Engaging in wellness practices for personal development & elevated self-awareness.
  • Uniting and expanding community relationships between friends & family with wellness-minded businesses and organizations.
  • Serving a greater mission of helping those in-need in our local community through volunteerism.

Core Value – Connection

Overview: When we engage in wellness-based practices, such as yoga, we feel deeper self-awareness and a relationship with one’s self. We know this is difficult to start or sustain alone, so why not seek the support of a community? Throughout the year, we envision Elevate Akron building connections among friends, family and wellness-minded businesses. We believe this will develop healthy individuals, meaningful relationships, and thriving businesses to empower our community to live inspired and purposeful lives including being of greater service to those in-need.

About Connection

We view connection as an internal and external imperative for well-being.

Internally, yoga can help us achieve “union” between mind, body, and spirit by raising our self-awareness. We recognize that other wellness tools can also help support an integrated sense of self and improve our connections with others, so we believe that people need access to these practices.

Externally, Elevate Akron wants to connect wellness-minded people to those wellness-minded businesses, organizations, practices, and services that can further support the growth and development of individuals and their community.

Connecting with Local Businesses Throughout the Year

The heart of a healthy community beats with the support of Local Wellness-Minded Businesses. Breathe deep, Elevate Akron is daring to do something never done before. To go beyond the Annual Yoga Festival to deepen our connections with on-going Community Sponsored Events.

Throughout the year, our presenting and supporting sponsors are hosting Elevate Akron gatherings open to the public. Current participating sponsors include:

  • Summa Health
  • Revitalize Medical Group
  • Mustard Seed Market
  • SHINE Ohio

(We’ll release more news of the summer events calendar by May).

We know how powerful our connections are! Our goal is thriving, local wellness-minded businesses supporting the health needs of our community. We want to see the community thriving, businesses thriving, and elevating Akron together!

We hope you are enjoying our core value series explaining Elevate Akron’s expanded mission of, “Elevating Akron to a collective purpose, to live a life of health, connection and service.” If you missed the last blog about our value of health, we hope you get a chance to read it. In our next blog, you’ll learn about our last core value of selfless service to local charities and connecting with volunteerism.